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Base Value Analysis for Auctions and Auctions

Base Value Analysis for Auctions and Auctions

Accurate determination of cost and construction time of real-estate projects, which will be committed for construction, is very important for the offers which will be submitted to the contracting authority. These determinations are found mostly by predictions based upon experience, and most of the time they do not match up with the real costs. As the actual cost could come out higher than the estimated costs, it may also cause tenders not to be concluded because of high costs being driven due to being over-cautious. Our company aims to determine project costs with scientific calculations, valuation studies which use statistics and economical parameters on current price and production process costs rather than experience and predictions. Other than contracting business, our company determines max. and min. values with base value that will be used on the sales to be made by any auctioning methods for real-estate and machine sales from sealed offer, mutual open offer.